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What Should You Do If You Are Stuck Under an 18-Wheeler?

You’re driving on the highway, when suddenly, a massive 18-wheeler looms in your rearview mirror, approaching fast. Before you can react, you feel the sickening crunch of metal and the world spins out of control. When everything stops moving, you realize that your car is wedged beneath the truck’s trailer. Panic sets in as you struggle to decide what to do next.

Being trapped under an 18-wheeler is a nightmare scenario that no one ever expects to face. In these critical moments, your actions can mean the difference between life and death. Here are a few steps that you can take to stay safe and protect your legal rights.

Stay Calm and Call 911 Immediately

The first and most crucial step is to remain as calm as possible and call 911 right away. Emergency services need to be notified immediately to dispatch police, fire, and medical personnel to the scene. If you are unable to reach your phone, try to attract attention by honking your horn or flashing your lights.

When speaking with the 911 operator, provide clear and concise information about your location and the nature of the accident. If possible, stay on the line with the operator until help arrives. They can provide valuable instructions and reassurance during this ordeal.

Do Not Attempt to Move Your Vehicle

It may be tempting to try and extricate yourself from the 18-wheeler, but attempting to move your vehicle can be extremely dangerous. The structural integrity of your car may be compromised, and any movement could cause further injury or worsen the situation.

First responders have the necessary equipment and expertise to handle these complex situations without causing additional harm. Stay in the same place and wait for trained professionals to safely extract you from the wreckage.

Wait for Help and Follow First Responders’ Instructions

As you wait for help to arrive, focus on staying conscious and alert. Take slow, deep breaths to help manage any pain or anxiety that you may be experiencing. If you are with passengers, try to keep them calm as well.

When first responders arrive, follow their instructions carefully. They will assess the situation and determine the safest way to remove you from the vehicle. Trust their expertise and cooperate fully with their directions, even if they seem counterintuitive. Their primary goal is to ensure your safety and minimize injury during the extraction process.

Seek Emergency Medical Care

Once you have been safely removed from the wreckage, seek immediate medical attention, even if you feel fine. The adrenaline rush from the accident can mask pain and symptoms of serious damage. Some injuries, such as internal bleeding or head trauma, may not be immediately apparent but can be life-threatening if left untreated.

Allow paramedics to examine you at the scene and transport you to the nearest hospital if necessary. A thorough medical evaluation will not only protect your well-being but also create an official record of your injuries, which will be crucial for any future legal or insurance claims.

Document the Accident, If You Are Able

If your injuries allow and it is safe to do so, try to document as much information about the accident as possible. This includes taking photos of the scene, your vehicle, and your injuries. Collect contact and insurance information from the truck driver and any witnesses. Note the trucking company’s name and any identifying numbers on the truck.

However, avoid discussing fault or making any statements that could be construed as admitting liability. Stick to the facts when speaking with law enforcement and request a copy of the police report for your records. If you are unable to collect evidence at the scene, do not worry—your attorney can assist your investigation later on.

Contact a Washington Truck Accident Lawyer Right Away

After seeking medical attention, your next call should be to a Seattle truck accident attorney. Accidents involving 18-wheelers are far more complex than typical car accidents. They often involve multiple parties, including the truck driver, trucking company, and various insurers. Additionally, federal and state regulations governing the trucking industry can significantly impact your case.

In these situations, an attorney can help protect your rights and fight for fair compensation to help pay for your property damage, medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. They can investigate the accident, gather evidence, and build a strong case on your behalf. Your lawyer also will handle communications with insurance companies and represent you in the courtroom, if your case goes to trial.

Time is of the essence in these cases. Evidence can disappear quickly, and there are strict deadlines for filing claims. The sooner you involve a lawyer, the better your chances of a favorable outcome.

Continue to Document Evidence and Your Condition

In the days and weeks following the accident, maintain detailed records of your recovery process and ongoing challenges. Keep a daily journal documenting your physical symptoms, pain levels, and any emotional distress you experience. This can provide valuable insight into the full impact of the accident on your life.

Save all medical records, including doctor’s notes, test results, and treatment plans. These documents serve as official proof of your injuries and the care required. Additionally, keep receipts for any out-of-pocket expenses related to your recovery, such as medication costs, medical equipment, or travel expenses for doctor’s appointments.

If you are unable to work due to your injuries, obtain written documentation from your employer regarding missed workdays and lost wages.  Continue to follow up with your healthcare providers and attend all scheduled appointments. If you notice any new symptoms or complications, report them to your doctor immediately.

Schedule a Free Legal Consultation with Colburn Law Today

If you find yourself in the terrifying situation of being stuck under an 18-wheeler, it is crucial to stay calm, call 911, and seek medical attention as soon as possible. Then, seek guidance from a truck accident attorney to learn more about your legal options and take your first steps toward filing a lawsuit or insurance claim.

Colburn Law understands the complexity and severity of these cases and is dedicated to protecting your rights and fighting for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today at (206) 880-7628 to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help you navigate this challenging time.