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Colburn Law

What Are Load-Shift Truck Accidents?

Load-shift truck accidents are a serious hazard on Washington roads. These collisions occur when improperly secured cargo inside a commercial truck moves unexpectedly during transit. This sudden shift can cause the driver to lose control or result in cargo spilling onto the road. The consequences of these accidents are often severe, putting all road users at risk of serious injury or fatality.

FMCSA Regulations for Cargo Loading

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has established strict regulations governing cargo loading and securement for commercial trucks. These rules are designed to prevent load-shift accidents based on extensive research and data analysis. All trucking operations across the country are required to comply with these regulations.

For example, trucking companies and their employees must ensure that their cargo securement systems can withstand acceleration, deceleration, and other forces encountered during normal driving conditions. Unfortunately, some companies and cargo loaders neglect these crucial safety measures, putting lives at risk.

The Importance of Proper Cargo-Loading Techniques

Proper cargo loading is critical for preventing load-shift accidents and maintaining the stability of commercial trucks on the road. When cargo is improperly secured or unevenly distributed, it can lead to a range of dangerous scenarios. For example, cargo may spill onto the roadway, creating immediate hazards for other drivers in the area.

Uneven weight distribution significantly increases the risk of truck rollovers, especially during sharp turns or sudden maneuvers. Improperly loaded trailers can also cause jackknife accidents when the driver attempts to brake suddenly, as the trailer may swing outward at a dangerous angle.

In extreme cases, load shifts can result in lane departures and even cause trucks to fall from elevated roadways or bridges. Additionally, overloaded trucks face difficulty in stopping, which can increase the risk of rear-end collisions.

Who Is Liable for a Load-Shift Accident in Washington?

If you are involved in a load-shift accident, you have the right to pursue a legal claim against the responsible parties and recover compensation to help pay for medical care, property repairs, and other damages. Multiple parties may be held liable, depending on the circumstances of the accident:

  • Cargo Loaders: In many cases, cargo loaders can be held accountable if they improperly secured the cargo or failed to follow loading protocols.
  • Truck Driver: The driver may be liable if they failed to inspect the cargo or drove recklessly, contributing to the load shift.
  • Trucking Company: The company may bear responsibility for inadequate training, poor maintenance practices, or encouraging drivers to violate safety regulations.
  • Shipping Company: If the shipper provided inaccurate information about the cargo’s weight or contents, they could be held liable if their actions led to the collision.
  • Truck or Equipment Manufacturers: These entities may be responsible if defective tie-downs or other securement equipment contributed to the accident.

Seeking Compensation After A Seattle Truck Accident

Contact Colburn Law Today for a Free Consultation

Load-shift truck accidents can result in devastating consequences for those involved. If you or a loved one has been injured in one of these collisions, it is essential to have a knowledgeable and experienced advocate on your side.

At Colburn Law, our Bellevue truck accident lawyers have extensive experience in these cases and is committed to securing the best possible outcome for our clients. Contact us today at (206) 880-7628 to discuss your case and take the first step toward the justice and compensation you deserve.