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Dangers When Driving Near Garbage Trucks

Garbage trucks are a common sight, diligently performing their essential role in keeping our communities clean. However, their presence on the road brings unique challenges and potential hazards that demand extra caution from drivers. If you frequently encounter garbage trucks in your neighborhood, understanding these dangers can help you stay safe and avoid potentially devastating accidents.

tips for safe driving near garbage trucks

#1: Falling Waste from the Vehicle

One of the most immediate risks when driving near garbage trucks is the potential for debris to fall from the vehicle. As these trucks collect and compact waste, loose items can easily become dislodged and tumble onto the road. This falling debris ranges from harmless paper to dangerous objects like broken glass or metal scraps.

To mitigate this risk, maintain a safe distance behind garbage trucks. If you must pass, do so quickly and cautiously, keeping an eye out for any airborne objects. Be prepared to react swiftly if you spot anything falling from the truck.

#2: Unpredictable Starts and Stops

Garbage trucks operate on a stop-and-go schedule, frequently pulling over to collect waste before merging back into traffic. This erratic movement pattern can catch nearby drivers off guard, leading to rear-end collisions or side-swipe accidents.

Always anticipate sudden stops when following a garbage truck. Maintain an extra-large following distance to give yourself ample reaction time. When the truck is stopped, be patient and wait before attempting to pass.

#3: Limited Visibility and Blind Spots

The sheer size of garbage trucks creates significant blind spots for their drivers. These blind spots are particularly pronounced on the sides and rear of the vehicle. Drivers in smaller cars can easily disappear from view, increasing the risk of collisions during lane changes or turns.

Avoid lingering in a garbage truck’s blind spots whenever possible. If you cannot see the truck’s side mirrors, assume the driver cannot see you either. When passing, do so decisively and only when you have a clear view of the road ahead. Be especially cautious when approaching a garbage truck from behind, as the driver may not see you in their rearview mirrors.

For more information on safe driving around large vehicles, read this guide here.

#4: Poor Maneuverability

Garbage trucks are not designed for agility. Their large size and heavy loads make them slow to accelerate, difficult to stop quickly, and challenging to maneuver in tight spaces. This lack of maneuverability can lead to accidents, especially in residential areas with narrow streets or during turns at intersections.

Give garbage trucks plenty of space to maneuver, especially at intersections or in areas with parked cars. Never try to squeeze past a turning garbage truck, as the driver may not see you and could clip your vehicle.

Trust Colburn Law to Fight for Your Right to Compensation

Driving near garbage trucks can pose significant dangers, and if you’ve been injured in an accident involving one of these vehicles, Colburn Law can help. We can represent you in an insurance claim or lawsuit against the garbage truck company and help recover a fair settlement to pay for medical care, property damage, and more.

Our truck wreck lawyers in Seattle understand the complexities and challenges associated with these cases and will fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today at (206) 880-7628 to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you seek justice.